Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Day 1...........

I, like many of my 20 something generation have credit card debt. I created this blog in an attempt to use it as therapy to help me get this debt under control and paid off.

I did not accumulate this debt in a normal way as I see it. I would think most people let their debt build over time, buying things they don't need but they SO need at the time.

I quit my job and moved cities and provinces for my boyfriend. I was living in a new city with no job and no money, so what did I do to live, I used my credit card of course. Seems simple enough. That was 5 years ago!!! I have since landed 3 fabulous jobs in a row, all with increasing salaries and yet the debt I accumulated 5 years ago follows me around. I admit, it's not a crazy sum, $5000.00 but the fact that it's still there, 5 years later is something to be ashamed of.

So, this blog will chronicle my attempt to pay this credit card off by this time next year, by curbing my nonsense spending. I hope to blog several times a week. I also hope that this outlet will allow me to see what I do spend my $$ on and why I haven't been able to shake this crazy debt...............................